Monthly Vedic Astrology Forecast

December 2022

by Kerry Shamblin
posted on Nov 27, 2022





Collective Soul • Leaders • Government • Heart • Individual Agenda

Sun changes signs once per month, traversing all 12 signs in one year.

Sun in Scorpio November 16 - December 15
The first half of December sees the Sun taking us through a deep dive after the review, analysis, and planning in an array of departments from finance to relationships to education in late November. Find a quiet space and explore the inner landscape as you plan for 2023 and beyond. It could feel a bit lonely, but use this space to listen to the song of your own heart.

Sun in Sagittarius December 15 - January 14
With Sun in Sagittarius for a month starting in mid-December, we are charged with taking our soul searching higher. Find the enthusiasm, courage, and innovation to renew the commitment to your path toward growth. Integrate past experience to strengthen the roots for the coming growth cycle.



Emotions • Mental Fluctuation • Mothers • Caregiving • Devotion • Nutrition

Moon changes signs every 2.5 days, traversing all 12 signs in about a month.

Full Moon in Taurus December 7
Taurus is currently holding retrograde Mars, who will be right next to the Moon as it gets full on December 7. With all of the other planets moving in forward motion, we could feel almost resolved about recent decisions.

This full Moon highlights how we need to let go and when we need to have courage. 2023 could really feel like a next chapter for businesses, families, and relationships.

New Moon in Sagittarius December 23
Our annual “New Sun,” also known as Winter Solstice, comes a couple days before the Moon joins the Sun for the monthly New Moon in Sagittarius.

This is a great moment for coming to a peaceful pause and finding the joy that exists even when we feel spent or unmotivated.



Power • Strategy • Protection • Alchemy • Courage • Strength

Mars changes signs about every two months, which varies due to occasional retrograde motion.

As our universal power manager, Mars’ effects can come across as strength, aggression, fire, and anger, depending on how we are regulating the power Mars represents.

These usual expectations from Mars are currently modified by retrograde motion, so we may be feeling the fire but pulling our punches. Mars is retrograde in the sign of Taurus through January 12.

This is a signal to pay attention to where our power and resources may be wasted and make corrections in order to increase efficiency. Retrograde status is also good for resuming abandoned projects.

With Mars in Taurus, we may focus on creative things involving fine arts, music, and entertainment. Mars is good energy for cutting out what doesn't belong, which facilitates a cleaner design process going forward.



Communication • Currency • Intelligence • Analysis • Local Travel • Markets

Mercury’s movement is variable and quick, from 15 - 60 days in one sign, with three retrograde periods per year.

Mercury’s influence affects our communications, transactions and expression of intelligence. In our day-to-day life, Mercury’s influence is helpful in analyzing from a practical, rather than emotional, perspective.

Mercury dashes through Sagittarius from December 2 – 27 , joined by his best friend Venus for most of the month. Together, Venus and Mercury can drive agendas in a cheerful, graceful, and enthusiastic manner. Sagittarius is a positive environment that is perfect for Mercury's multi-faceted intelligence to cover all of the bases.

The end of 2022 and the beginning of 2023 is marked by a Mercury retrograde cycle from December 29 – January 19 . Since actions designed for long term stability are counterindicated for Mercury retrograde cycles, this could be a great time for reorganizing, editing, and getting that tax information together.



Growth • Expansion • Positivity • Children • Education • Divinity • Abundance

Jupiter changes signs once per year, traversing all 12 signs in about 12 years.

Jupiter transits Pisces from April 2022 - April 2023, which is generally positive but not for everyone and not all the time!

From November 23, 2022, when Jupiter regained direct motion, through April 22, 2023, when Jupiter moves to Aries, Jupiter should be supportive regarding the big decisions in life, especially around education, career, marriage, purpose, and spiritual direction.

Have faith that a righteous purpose guides your actions, but also take responsibility for how those actions radiate into the world.

As you plan for the future this month, keep your eye on the positive growth window during the first quarter of 2023, but don't bet the farm on a longshot!



Relationships • Business • Politics • Entertainment • Love • Beauty • Creativity

Venus changes signs about once per month, but this varies due to occasional retrograde periods.

Venus moves through Sagittarius from December 5 – 29. Our desire to create, learn, and grow through connecting with others gets a boost this month. Already a positive environment, the fiery and flexible Sagittarius will have enthusiastic Venus moving through in December. This is favorable for family gatherings, creative projects, and celebrating divinity.

Be prepared for more than you plan this month! Sagittarius is also receiving influences of spontaneity from Rahu and calculated effort from Mars. This could be a signal to make sure new plans for 2023 include a better balance of work, play, and flexibility.



Limitation • Contraction • Illness • Suffering • Karma • Time • Age • Slow • Cold

Saturn stays in one sign for 2.5 - 3 years, taking 28-30 years to go through all of the signs.

Saturn will continue to pressure the signs of Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer and Libra through the holiday season, moving into Aquarius on January 16, 2023. Recognize and integrate the deep lessons that came through Saturn’s Capricorn transit from January 2020 - January 2023.

Saturn reminds us that we have responsibility and duty to fulfill, coming across as pressure to act, even when we are resistant. For all of December, this mature outlook can inform our plans for growing out of what could feels like a restrictive or old environment.

Bring past lessons to bear as you are creating new programs for the near future. Beware of throwing out good things with rubbish; slow down and deliberate in order to avoid future obstacles or regrets.


Rahu – North Node

Humanity • Instability • Addiction • Innovation • International • Diversity • Opportunity

Rahu and Ketu form an axis that moves in tandem, spending about 1.5 years in each sign, moving in backward motion through the zodiac.

Rahu transits the fiery environment of Aries from April 2022 - October 2023, which creates a dynamic connection to that which we truly desire and boosts our courage to actually go for it. Rahu is associated with humanity in general, fame, desire, instability and innovation. Aries, Leo and Sagittarius signs all be affected by this wild Rahu effect during this timeframe. This volatile energy is powerful but must be handled with care. Beware of compulsive decisions, selfish motivations and get-rich-quick schemes.

December is a good time for evaluating how we will manage the risks associated with growth and advancement. Insert creative genius into your attempts to manage stability and dynamism.


Ketu – South Node

Followers • Army • Spirituality • Intuition • Mistakes • Blindness • Obstruction

Rahu and Ketu form an axis that moves in tandem, spending about 1.5 years in each sign, moving in backward motion through the zodiac.

Ketu transits Libra from April 2022 - October 2023, inviting us to rebalance our relationships, hone our intuition and find our spiritual friends, including activities that are designed to unite rather than divide.

Tenacious Saturn continues to help Ketu obstruct strongly in the sign Libra through mid-January, 2023. Use the hard edges and roadblocks to intuitively guide your decisions, remembering lessons learned from the past.

In order to ascend past the material obstacles that Ketu can manifest, we are charged with finding the spiritual thread that eventually lifts us beyond the suffering of the world. The wisdom Ketu offers when we regard our limitations as spiritual invitations helps us to fully experience the fruits of life with detachment that protects us from becoming mired in that which we cannot control.

Things are quiet with Ketu in December. In the midst of the hustle and bustle, remember to keep your seat. There is always a quiet space internally that we can hold for personal mini-retreats.

For an in-depth analysis of specific planetary placements, please continue with the full planetary forecast.

Mercury and Venus Transit Sagittarius December 2 - 29

Since the dynamic duo of Mercury and Venus are traveling so close together during December, we'll treat this as one event instead of two. Mercury moves through Jupiter's fire sign of Sagittarius from December 2nd through 27th and Venus follows closely behind, transiting Sagittarius from December 5th through 29th. If nothing else happens, Sagittarius is a positive and joyful environment for the enthusiastic representatives of relationships (Venus) and shopping (Mercury) to conjoin during the bustling “holiday” season.

In November, we had Mercury and Venus move into Scorpio, which created an especially strong bond between Mars and Venus starting November 13, when retrograde Mars moved into Venus' sign of Taurus for an extended transit through mid-March 2023. The first few weeks of this Mars transit are marked by Venus also moving through Scorpio, Mars' sign, creating a mutual aspect and exchange of signs. As noted in the November forecast, this particular set up could be a make or break for relationships, friendships, business ventures, and partnerships.

Late November also saw Mercury and Venus gaining space away from the Sun. As the two make it into Sagittarius during the first week of December, we may collectively feel a shift. Combustion will end for both planets, which could manifest as clarity regarding the data presented and a newfound ability to communicate, create, and share with more precision and confidence.

Sagittarius is Jupiter's fire sign, which expresses the masculine side of growth, positivity, and joy. Sagittarius supports spiritual pursuits, adventures in education, doing the right thing, and positive growth patterns. Mercury and Venus moving through this environment could be quite active, productive, and fun, but next comes the warning label!

From Taurus, hot-headed Mars' influence extends into Sagittarius, which puts a fiery influence onto a fiery environment. From Aries, a fiery environment, Rahu, lord of unexpected events, also aspects Sagittarius. (I will mention here as an aside that Leo, another fire sign, is also getting this same aspect combination from Mars and Rahu through March.) This adds up to some fiery energy! What do we do when we need to handle fire? We take precautions, pay attention, and make sure the path to the water source is clear.

Literal fire cooks our food and also burns down forests. It's not fire that is the problem, it is how we manage it. Symbolically, fire equates to spirit, power, and transformation. When we aren't managing this element properly, it can become unintentionally destructive due to misplaced power and aggression.

Venus, as guardian of the water element, is a great counterbalance to Mars' fiery gaze. When Venus and Mercury move to Sagittarius, the mutual aspect will not be present between Mars and Venus, but Venus still rules the sign where Mars sits. This puts that water hose on hand for all of us to use, should Mars foster situations that become volatile.

Beyond this warning label, we are being offered some amazing energetic help with Mercury and Venus traveling through Sagittarius in December. Jupiter, the great guide, will have resumed direct motion on November 23, which could be a pivot that turns our ships about into more favorable winds.

Jupiter rules both Pisces, where he is currently posited, and Sagittarius, where Mercury and Venus will travel during December. Jupiter, Mercury, and Venus are a fantastic team of helpers, guides, counselors, and educators. This could be a good month to reorganize lesson plans, educational trajectories, marketing campaigns, and health regimes.

Full Moon in Taurus/Rohini December 7

The new Moon of November 23 saw the Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Venus conjoined in Scorpio. This could have felt like a moment of deep quiet that was an acknowlegement of long abiding stress that is begging to be released. During the last week of November and first week of December, the Moon waxes, reaching the point of fullness on Wednesday, December 7th, at 22 degrees Taurus.

This brings more light to the Venus-Mars theme that has carried through 2022. Our human desire to connect but also maintain personal sovereignty is symbolized in the dynamic that occurs when power-driven Mars and compassionate Venus attempt relationship. Early in 2022, these two planets were tightly conjoined, showing a desire to create new connections and do the work of building relationships.

On November 30th, Venus moves briefly through exact opposition with Mars, which could be where the relationships or campaigns we've been running this year move into the next phase of development.

Recall also that this journey of Venus and Mars together and apart in 2022 is also reflected in the current nodal axis position that was gained in April 2022, when Rahu moved into Mars' fire sign, Aries, until October 2023, and Ketu moved into Venus' air sign, Libra, for the same timeframe. AND, this is after the prior transit of the nodal axis from October 2020 – April 2022, when Ketu was in Mars' sign and Rahu was in Venus' sign.

So, if you've felt on a personal level like the indications of Venus and Mars have been all over the place in the past couple years, it could be Venus and Mars carrying out the marching orders of the nodal axis, whose positions have reflected the instability of a world moving through and out of a global pandemic, including the long-reaching economic factors such as supply chain issues and the responsive inflation.

Given this backdrop, the Sun will be at 22 degrees Scorpio in the nakshatra of Jyestha on December 7, when the full Moon exactly conjoins retrograde Mars at 22 degrees of Taurus. This could be a moment of great clarity when we can finally view the balance sheet of what our attempts at connecting, revamping, compromising, and rebuilding have actually cost us.

Knowing where we stand, the current planetary array could help us find a positive way forward, even in the midst of grieving irretrievable loss or facing unexpected interference. Jupiter and Saturn in direct motion, the eclipse season in the rear view mirror, Venus and Mercury in a position to create, grow and learn, combined, these factors point toward some positive forward movement.

The full Moon will be in Taurus, and specifically in the last pada of Rohini, ruled by the Moon itself. This is an extremely strong, compassionate and stable moment when, with all of the aformentioned planets pressing on, Moon stands exactly with a retrograde Mars, which could be symbolic of work still to be done and transformations to be kindled, perhaps even due to unexpected or painful circumstances. Even in positive forward movement, we can feel painful echos of what has been lost on the way to the next chapter. Allow space for healing and show compassion when you detect that pain in another.

Sun Transits Sagittarius December 15 – January 14

The great Sun moves from Mars' watery sign of Scorpio into the warm climate of Sagittarius on December 15th, taking us into the winter solstice on December 21st, when the Sun aligns with the Galactic Center, which lies in the direction of 7 degrees Sagittarius.

Each year, the Sun in Sagittarius takes us through our Western calendar new year, which naturally brings about reflections about the year behind combined with plans for how to make the best use of a “new” year. Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius, and as of November 23rd, resumed forward motion in his other sign, Pisces.

This could help our attempts at finding the good going forward. Jupiter will be in positive dignity through April 22, 2023, when he moves through Aries for one year. As we move toward the new year, we are supported with energy to analyze the big picture and to make plans with good guidance.

Venus and Mercury occupy Sagittarius for the first part of the Sun's transit there, adding perspective, compassion, and enthusiasm to the decision making process. Sagittarius is a dual sign which supports multiple strands of activity at once. This could be a productive time, especially when it comes to planning personal trajectories for the new year.

Retrograde Mars also aspects Sagittarius during this time, which could add an element of trying to recover resources or reorganizing strategies. Additionally, we also have Rahu's aspect coming into Sagittarius, reminding us of the fiery influences in fiery environments. Don't be afraid to take some risks when opportunities arise, but be wary of blind enthusiasm.

New Moon in Sagittarius/Mula December 23

Just a couple of days after the Sun reaches its annual nadir at winter solstice and begins its journey higher into the sky, the Moon slips in to join Sun at 8 degrees of Sagittarius, specifically in the nakshatra of Mula. Mula translates as “root” and is the nakshatra that beckons our attention toward the center of our galaxy.

If you've been ready to press the re-set button and start the game over for some time, consider the turn of our calendar year a good choice. The “New Sun” moment of the winter solstice followed up by a new Moon planted in the nakshatra that points us to our roots is a quiet moment where we can begin to lay tracks toward new destinations.

The Rahu aspect on the grouping in Sagittarius suggests that we stay alert for unexpected shifts, situations, and opportunities. The retrograde Mars aspect lends an interesting combination of courage, compassion, and respectfully expressed strength. Pay attention to how the roots are supported going forward, as any branches rely on the deep seated stability of staying grounded.

Mercury Retrograde December 29 – January 19

Mercury enters Capricorn on December 27th and begins a retrograde on December 29th that returns him to Sagittarius on December 30th. Mercury retraces his steps in the latter degrees of Sagittarius, moving closer to the oncoming Sun, and re-establishing another round of Mercury combustion.

This retrograde signature at the new year could be an omen for what we can expect in 2023, which also ends with a Mercury retrograde cycle in December 2023. In 2022, the Mercury retrograde cycles occurred in earth signs (January 2022 – Capricorn, May 2022 – Taurus, September 2022 – Virgo.) This could have made for a good deal of reorganization financially and in the material realm, which is indicated by earth signs.

In 2023, starting with this Mercury retrograde that begins December 29th in Capricorn, an earth sign, and then retreats to Sagittarius, a fire sign, we could perhaps see that our reorganization, reappropriation, and recalibration shifts into realms of spirit, purpose, and direction, with Mercury doing retrograde in fire signs through 2023.

We may have gotten all positively oriented during the solstice/new Moon on December 21-23, only to have the Mercury retrograde effect hit us as the ball drops onto 2023. When Mercury returns to Sagittarius on December 30th, he also returns to the unstable gaze of Rahu and the steaming regard of Mars through the first week of February.

Retrograde Mars aspecting retrograde Mercury during the first five weeks of 2023 could engender some fantastic editing energy that when focused in the proper direction may push projects forward in an unexpected manner.

Mercury regains direct motion January 19th, 2023 at 15 degrees Sagittarius and moves forward to Capricorn on February 7th. Flexibility is recommended as you set your course for 2023.

Venus Transits Capricorn December 29 – January 22

After the Sun moves out of Scorpio, and with Venus moving to Capricorn on December 29th, we will see the 2022 focus on Venus-Mars interactions shift away to other themes. While Rahu remains in Mars' territory of Aries and Ketu remains in Venus' domain of Libra through October 2023, the interaction between the two planets will simmer down for awhile. Let's remember that Mars will remain in Venus' territory through mid-March, 2023, tipping the scales toward graceful Venus.

When Venus moves to Capricorn, she moves to a friendly sign, due to Saturn and Venus being natural friends. Venus will also be coming into a conjunction with Saturn, who will be moving from Capricorn to Aquarius on January 16, 2023. This new mood of Venus through the new year could signal a different rhythm for relationships in 2023. While 2022 was decorated with a passionate exchange between Mars and Venus, 2023 could be less about the dramatic dynamic of relationships and more about building long term structure for relationships.

The only Venus-Mars interaction in 2023 comes in late June, when Venus nearly catches Mars in Cancer and follows him into Leo before beginning a retrograde cycle in July that only increases the space between the two. Overall, 2023 looks a bit more calm for Venus-related issues such as relationships, politics, business, and creative pursuits. Time to build on that platform we've been painstakingly setting up while Saturn transited Capricorn from January 2020 – January 2023.

As we welcome the new calendar year, we are on good footing for forward motion and recovery. Mercury retrograde during this process reminds us to trust our footing, to remember how to pivot when needed, and to prepare for takeoff or initiation of new ventures. During the first few weeks of 2023, we see a full Moon, Mars resuming direct motion, and Saturn changing signs. Time to get our trains back on track!

Saturn and Jupiter in 2023

As we see 2022 turn to 2023, our anchor and buoy, the planets Saturn and Jupiter that together create a pattern of space and structure through which we navigate life on Earth, have both regained direct motion and are placed strongly, each of them occupying their own signs.

Zooming out to the big picture of Saturn, representative of time and karma, and Jupiter, lord of space and divinity, as they dance around the great Sun, we can remember back to their great conjunction in December 2020 in the sign of Capricorn. These two slow moving planets conjoin roughly every 20 years. Ten years after a conjunction, Saturn and Jupiter will be opposite for a short time, after which Jupiter begins to catch up to Saturn.

We are in the 10 year period where Jupiter will be moving away from Saturn. In that process, we will see a series of different types of aspects and relationships between the two. The first to come has been Saturn aspecting Jupiter, which comes through Saturn's ability to aspect any planet or sign that is three signs away. That condition was met with Saturn in Capricorn and Jupiter in Pisces, which is what we have moving into 2023. Generally, we could say that Saturn aspecting Jupiter is a dynamic of slowing growth or creating strong structure for future growth.

The first quarter of 2023 could feel a bit more free due to Saturn moving to Aquarius on January 16, which removes the aspect from Jupiter. Both planets remain strong and in their own signs, as Aquarius is also the territory of Saturn. Note the growth potential during the period between mid-January and mid-April, when Jupiter moves from Pisces to Aries.

After Saturn moves to Aquarius, he moves slowly through his own air sign, co-ruled with Rahu, until March 2025. From Aquarius, Saturn's gaze falls on Aries, Leo, and Scorpio, and can manifest as some type of pressure, challenge, chilling, or slowing.

Jupiter will move from Pisces to Aries on April 22, 2023 for about one year. What this does is to reinstate Saturn's gaze upon Jupiter for the entire Aries transit. What may further complicate this dynamic is Rahu's presence in Aries through October 2023. We will continue to explore these shifts through the monthly forecasts and podcasts.

Each year, Jupiter and Saturn do a retrograde cycle. Sometimes the overlap of these retrograde cycles, especially when combined with an aspect from Saturn to Jupiter, can be quite notable. In 2022, this condition was active from July 28 – October 22, nearly four months.

In 2023, we have a similar dynamic, but for a shorter time. From April 22, when Jupiter moves to Aries, he will receive Saturn's 3rd aspect. Between September 4th and November 4th, 2023, both of these planets will also be retrograde. An additional twist is that retrograde Jupiter will be paired with Rahu, who moves backward into Pisces just after this overlap period ends.

In an even longer view, the next aspect combination between Saturn and Jupiter after this upcoming one, which ends May 1, 2024 when Jupiter moves to Taurus, will be again a brief spit of Saturn aspecting Jupiter from April 29 – May 14, 2025.

The tables turn on June 1, 2026, when Jupiter reaches Cancer, his sign of exaltation, and begins one year of Jupiter from Cancer aspecting Saturn in Pisces. We have many turns of the Earth to enjoy before that time, so this is just a bookmark for future explorations!

We two have paddled in the stream
From morning sun till night
The seas between us broad have roared
Since the days of auld lang syne

Happy New Year!

Calculations are done using the Chitrapaksha ayanamsha and the mean node. Timings are based on Mountain Time Zone, US.

The written and audio versions of this forecast are freely available at Kerry Shamblin claims sole authorship and copyright of every monthly forecast published at since 2001. Use or presentation of this work in whole or in part on any other web site, social media platform or publication must be cited and credited to Kerry Shamblin. Violation of this request will be seen as a voluntary act of plagiarism and theft.

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