Monthly Vedic Astrology Forecast

April 2022

by Kerry Shamblin
posted on Mar 29, 2022



April begins and ends with a new Moon, the first on April 1 in Pisces and the second on April 30 in Aries manifesting as a partial solar eclipse. This first eclipse of 2022 is paired with a total lunar eclipse on May 15-16.

In between, we are looking at some dramatic shifts in April. The nodal axis (Rahu and Ketu) shifts sign pairings every 1.5 years and now is the time. By April 12, no matter how we calculate, Rahu will begin a stint in Aries as Ketu moves through Libra. Pay attention to new desires that arise during this time, as they may fuel and direct new ventures.

On April 13, Jupiter moves into Pisces for an uninterrupted year of transit through his own water sign. Pisces is the final sign of the zodiac and Jupiter's transit here invites integrating lessons, leaving behind outdated forms and preparing to transition to new situations.

Mercury enters Aries on April 8, followed by the Sun on April 14. These are the leaders as our energy moves into new avenues, with Mercury analyzing new terrain and the Sun coming into exalted status, only to be eclipsed at month's end.

From April 7 – May 16, Mars transits Aquarius, which could feel as if some form of cool relief has descended on situations of agitation or aggression. With this we see a transition of heavy Saturn influence on Mars, which may have caused some friction, to a budding Jupiter influence on Mars, which could be helpful as we decide how to redirect our efforts.

With new Moons on either end of April, we see a beautiful full Moon in Libra on April 16. Venus as ruler of Libra continues to guide our social interactions, giving us good perspective at this full Moon.

Venus transits her exaltation sign of Pisces, joining a well dignified Jupiter, between April 27 – June 17. This should bring some positive influences in the realms of relationship growth.

April 2022 has been a horizon line for some months, as so many dynamic shifts are happening with the planets. Now that we are here, be ready for new opportunities and make the moves!

New Moon in Pisces/Revati April 1

The Sun and Moon join at 18° of Jupiter's water sign, Pisces, on April 1. The new Moon shows the nadir of the Moon's cycle, where the light of the Sun obscures the Moon totally, rather than allowing the Moon to receive that light in any quantity. This can lead to feelings of overwhelm, low physical vitality and fatigue. Allow space for extra rejuvenation efforts as March becomes April.

Mercury's energy is strongly entwined in this new Moon, as Mercury joins the Sun and Moon within a few degrees in Jupiter's oceanic territory of Pisces. Sun and Moon occupy Revati, the final nakshatra, ruled by Mercury with Mercury joining the Sun and Moon there shortly after the moment of the new Moon.

By April 1, other planetary transits will have shifted to create a powerful and dynamic combination that has us poised for major breakthroughs. Our final pulse of Kala Sarpa Yoga from March 24 – April 2 sees Venus moving to Aquarius, exalted Mars exactly conjoining Saturn and the new Moon in Revati.

On April 2, the Moon moves to Aries, in effect bringing the pure form of Kala Sarpa Yoga to a close until May – June 2025, which is our next opportunity to experience this intense combination.

All of this combined tells us that we are collectively and individually facing some imminent change ahead, according to our collective and individual pathways. This is the time to unfetter the moorings and set a course for new horizons.

April 1, 2022 is also marked as Ugadi or Gudi Padwa, the new year based on the luni-solar calendar. This is a great day for new beginnings; cleanse out the old, rejuvenate and prepare for the new.

Mercury Transits Aries April 8 - 24

Mercury moves through Pisces, his sign of debilitation, between March 24 and April 8, participating in the new Moon but not actually getting much help with his compromised state. This can feel like difficulty getting messages through or trouble with transactions or business ventures.

Mercury in Pisces roughly coincides with our final pulse of Kala Sarpa Yoga, pointing toward the reality that many of us are managing transitions that are both deep and wide. When Mercury is debilitated, our exchanges can feel sluggish or impossible. Slow down and don't fight strong tides. Make course corrections when possible, while simultaneously surrendering to the inevitable.

After participating with the Sun and Moon on April 1, Mercury moves into exact combustion with the Sun on April 2 and then continues into Mars' fire sign Aries on April 8.

This puts Mercury at the vanguard of planets that will soon be encountering the north node of the Moon, Rahu, newly arriving into Aries for the next 18 months.

Mercury moves through Aries rapidly, exactly conjoining Rahu (true node) on April 23 as he exits Aries for Taurus. This Mercury in Aries transit with Rahu could be quite active and demanding. Mercury is great at managing multiple streams of activity, but make sure to double check calculations and reservations as Rahu can make for some mighty distortion and interference, somewhat similar to the energy of Mercury being in retrograde motion.

Mercury and Rahu together make a relatively good pairing, as both planets have extreme intelligence and diversity of thought as common attributes. In the pioneering sign of Aries, we may be seeing the launch of new ways of doing business and interaction at a global market level.

Rahu's transition into Aries from the true node calculation was on March 16, 2022, with the mean node transition completing on April 12. Remember that Rahu's energy can be destabilizing, surprising, out-of-bounds and exciting. With the axis changing signs, we will feel a shift in how these energies blow through our day-to-day life.

Mercury is one of the best managers of instability with his quick analysis, skillful action and flexible thinking. As Mercury encounters Rahu this month, learn the new routines quickly and let go of outdated management modalities. Rather than seeing inconsistencies as flaws, find ways to exploit these cracks and dings for constructive purposes.

Sun in Aries April 14 – May 15

After Mercury rushes out of Pisces, the shining star we call the Sun progresses at his usual pace into Mars' fire sign of Aries on April 14. This passage between Pisces and Aries marks the third gandanta of the zodiac; gandanta implies a transitional point that is both crucial and vulnerable, like a joint in the body.

In our body, a joint allows bones to move in concert at the expense of strength. Apply this same thinking to the transition from the feminine, nourishing water signs to the masculine, consuming fire signs and we can see that when planets are pushing through gandanta zones either in real-time transit or in our horoscopes, it is a signal that we must find just the right amount of force to allow the joint to bounce energy from one segment to the next.

With the right balance of effort and surrender, we can sail through tough parts of the journey as we make our way to further shores.

Mercury makes this transition first, on April 8, with the Sun following behind on April 14. Mars rules Aries, the fiery first sign of the zodiac in which the Sun finds his state of exaltation. With all signs pointed toward new horizons, deep shifts and letting go of defunct structures, find encouragement as the Sun transits Aries from mid-April to mid-May.

The road may not be straight and clear at the outset; Sun runs into Rahu by month's end, dealing us our first eclipse pairing of 2022 with a partial solar eclipse at the new Moon on April 30 and a total lunar eclipse at the full Moon on May 15-16.

Mars Transits Aquarius April 7 – May 16

Mars moving into Aquarius could feel like a bit of relief, as this planet that carries the mantle of power and protection will get a bit less strong by moving out of exaltation. Additionally, with both Rahu and Mars moving toward one another, their aspects on one another lessen. Perhaps some of the aggression, tension and instability will subside a bit.

Furthermore, Jupiter and Venus' position in Aquarius could help bring some positive energy to deflating Mars as he exits both Saturn's presence and Capricorn, which made his power increase. Settling down the firepower likely sounds like a good idea to most of the world at this point.

While Mars in Capricorn may have initiated battles both large and small on many fronts from February 26 – April 7, this shift to Aquarius could see some attempts at truce, withdrawal or recovery efforts. Mars will be moving out of conjunction with Saturn, which may have created friction that lead to outbursts.

The next Mars alert comes when Mars enters Aries and joins Rahu in late June. Until then, allow your jets to cool and regain your power, focus and direction. Find good guidance, put resources into order, lick wounds and make plans for next steps while Mars has some down time between April – June.

Mars joins Jupiter in Pisces from May 16 – June 27. It is generally positive when Jupiter's wisdom strongly affects Mars' power management decisions, and this will be strongly in effect. This is also during the spell when Saturn's aspect from Aquarius is on Rahu and not Jupiter.

Rahu – Ketu Axis (Mean Node) Shift April 12

The nodal axis shifts signs about every 1.5 years and moves in reverse motion from the visible planets. This reverse motion isn't regular, for example in reality the exact position of the axis wobbles a bit, sending it in forward motion sometimes. This is the "true node" and by this calculation, Rahu moved to Aries and Ketu moved to Libra on March 16, 2022.

We can smooth this wobble by averaging the position of the nodal axis; this calculation is called "mean node" and by this view, Rahu moves to Aries and Ketu moves to Libra on April 12. If in some way during mid-March all that was not weighted down heavily began to move and shake, it could be that this nodal axis shift was behind the new feeling of churning.

Whether one chooses to use true or mean node calculations, by April 12, the shift will have completed and we are faced with having to engineer a new way of managing the topsy turvy energy of Rahu in Aries and Ketu in Libra until November 2023.

Obviously these two signs, Aries and its opposite, Libra, will feel the effects of the nodal axis most. The aspecting power of Rahu is also very potent and will affect the signs of Leo and Sagittarius strongly through this time period. It is like a mighty wind that uproots trees, tectonic activity that by fits and starts changes the foundation of everything or an amplifier that enlarges things, sometimes to an uncomfortable level. Get ready to get ready, fire signs!

Ketu's effect feels less like a fan in the room and more like a vacuum, a strong force that pulls inward. In Libra, we may feel ourselves pulling away from contracts, partnership or friendships that are no longer filling our needs. This could feel lonely, but the long-term plan is to make space for more fulfilling pursuits or relationships.

Ketu transit in a certain sign or house in the horoscope can feel like a sudden sense of disinterest in the related worldly subjects that usually call to us. Esoteric forms may attract us as we explore the void left by a lack of desire.

Jupiter Transits Pisces April 13, 2022 - April 22, 2023

The great Guru, Jupiter, makes his grand entrance into his oceanic sign of Pisces on April 13, 2022. His transit through each sign lasts about one year, making his tour of all of the signs about 12 years. With this current transit of Pisces, we will be blessed with one solid year of this expansive and positive planet well dignified in his own sign. This confers the blessings of Jupiter into all of the water signs: Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio, for the next year.

The last transit of Jupiter in Pisces was May 2, 2010 - May 8, 2011.

Jupiter will do a retrograde cycle from July 29 – November 23, 2022, but won't dip back into previous sign as sometimes occurs. This gives us a smooth stream of Jupiter in Pisces from April 2022 – April 2023. Of course, there will be other effects on Jupiter through this time, for example Saturn's aspect on Pisces which actually could be a good structural balance to the rapid growth potential of this transit.

This Saturn aspect will lift between April 29 – July 12 when Saturn edges into Aquarius temporarily, so see that as a faster growth or easier transition window.

With Pisces benefitting from Jupiter's presence during this next year, it is good to identify where that growth or evolution appears in individual horoscopes. For example, for Sagittarius, Pisces is the 4th, signifying growth potential with the home or mother. For Leo, Pisces is the 8th house indicating positive effects in spiritual matters or improvements in chronic health conditions.

Full Moon in Libra/Chitra April 16

During the first half of April as we are seeing some major scene shifts, the Moon is waxing. Look out for April 4 as the Moon moves past Rahu. This could bring some unsteady emotions and wouldn't be the best time for making serious long term decisions.

By April 16, the Moon moves into the first degrees of Libra, opposing the Sun, newly entered into Aries at 3º. While both the luminaries and the nodal axis are occupying Aries and Libra, they are too far apart by degree to cause an actual eclipse. The eclipse pairing will initiate at the next new Moon on April 30.

While the Moon is strong and relatively free of Ketu's shadow, the placement in Venus' air sign of Libra and more specifically in Mars' nakshatra of Chitra reminds of us the shift in the eternal battle/love match between Venus and Mars. Recall the two month conjunction between Mars and Venus that has just broken up. Recall that the nodal axis has shifted but is still in the realms of Venus and Mars. Recall that Venus rules the element of water and Mars rules the element of fire. Recall that a big challenge in human life is to make space for both of those elements, reflected in the difficult juncture between water and fire signs (gandanta.)

This Moon in Libra/Chitra should be a good pause for perspective as we continue our quest to make our lives a vibrant celebration of making-it-work moments. Let us remember that our connections are working when they feed and nourish us and that they are not working when they are draining and challenging our vitality.

The obvious problems have been exposed. It is time to rewire circuits or recycle the whole appliance. Now is the time for creative solutions and moving forward.

Venus Transits Pisces April 27 – June 17

Not to put too much hope into one basket, but the promise of Jupiter and Venus occupying Pisces together from April 27 to June 17, 2022 and fostering some beautiful connections and graceful evolution is rather solid.

As mentioned above, Jupiter in Pisces starting April 12, 2022 for one year is likely to be rather helpful in several quarters. Venus and Jupiter aren't natural friends, but they are both known as fantastic teachers and happen to share extreme love of being in Pisces. (The last time we enjoyed this combination was from April 16 – May 11, 2011.)

Venus as the teacher of social law and Jupiter as the teacher of natural law work together to make sure the beings on Earth learn how to live in harmony with the natural environment and in harmony with one another. Venus' department is relationships, contracts, politics, entertainment and business, which is rather broad.

Venus in Pisces allows us to broaden our view of how our connections may be working in life, to really feel into how our relationships are affecting all parties and to find a compassionate and creative path forward that benefits all.

Pisces' universal and oceanic atmosphere encourages us to realize that space is as infinite as we can imagine. Step into that world of imagination and allow the lenses of compassion and joy to lead you toward your next layer of growth.

Saturn Preview in Aquarius April 29 – July 12

Saturn's transit through each sign can last between 2.5 – 3 years. The current tour of Saturn in his own sign of Capricorn began January 2020 and will officially end in January 2023 when Saturn moves to his other sign of Aquarius. In short, we're all getting a nice dose of strong Saturn for almost six years!

On April 29, Saturn will edge into Aquarius for a short time, which gives us a window where we may get some Saturn related shifts. Saturn moves slowly, so won't get too far, beginning a retrograde cycle at 1º5' Aquarius on June 4 and then retreating back to Capricorn on July 12.

One of the interesting effects is that during this window, Saturn will be shifting his aspects to different signs, putting Aries, Leo and Scorpio into his sights. With Jupiter newly moved to Pisces, this gives Jupiter a chance to get things moving before Saturn's return to Capricorn, which puts Jupiter under Saturn's aspect until January of 2023.

Saturn from Aquarius will aspect Rahu, newly situated in Aries. This could go either way… Either Saturn's disciplined and responsible approach keeps Rahu in line or Saturn's pressure helps Rahu to deliver his chaotic results in a forceful manner. Maybe we each have that choice!

More on Saturn in Aquarius in the May, June and July forecasts.

New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse Aries/Bharani April 30

The waning Moon of latter April joins the Sun at 17º Aries on April 30, putting the luminaries in the shadowy range of Rahu, who causes a partial solar eclipse visible only in the southern hemisphere.

Even though the eclipse may not be visible in your neck of the woods, eclipses are seen as powerful forces that introduce the concept of light being obscured, which brings up themes of vulnerability, loss of insight, obstruction and calamity. That said, it is rare to find an eclipse "causing" major issues for most people.

Rather than meeting eclipse energy with fear and anxiety, see it as an invitation to sit in the darkness, as the play of light and shadow can offer unique perspective.

Imagine a time when a bit of news caused you to scramble into thoughts of "what if that thing is gone." Even if the thing never really left, those moments of searching for answers, solutions and solace may have revealed hopes and fears that had been hidden. This is the energy of eclipse manifesting in a positive way.

Seeing in the dark is a wonderful ability. It's just not the same as seeing in the light.

This is a solar eclipse, meaning that the Sun's light is momentarily obscured. This is a strong, exalted Sun in the sign of Aries. The light is powerful here, and its eclipse feels dramatic. Use this moment at month's end to understand the fleeting nature of light, power and individuality.

Calculations are done using the Chitrapaksha ayanamsha and the mean node. Timings are based on Mountain Time Zone, US.

The written and audio versions of this forecast are freely available at Kerry Shamblin claims sole authorship and copyright of every monthly forecast published at since 2001. Use or presentation of this work in whole or in part on any other web site, social media platform or publication must be cited and credited to Kerry Shamblin. Violation of this request will be seen as a voluntary act of plagiarism and theft.

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